Shaggy. Die Foto wurden im Alter von 6 Jahren aufgenommen
Shaggy. Photos where taken in the age of 6 years!
- BH (obedience and social test)
- BGH-1 (heelwork, class 1)
physical examinations:
- HD-A (free)
- ED: 0 / 0 (free)
- CEA clear (free)
Gen-defects or others:
- none dedected
- pls. scroll to the bottom of this page G-2 Zwischenklasse, IHA Wels. Richter: Ingrid Hectors (BEL)
photos age of 2 years
photos age of 3 years
21 months old, needs more show-training. Dog was not presented in the right show-manner. Good head, good stop, brown eyes, good ears, good neck- and topline, good tail, good angulation back and front legs, good movement, tail carried a bit high, good character.
21 months old, very youthful looking male, head and body should develope further. Good neck and top-line, correct angulation, correct bone strenght, today not in good hair-condition, movment from behind to close, needs more time, self-confident character.