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December 2014
Our Herding Beardies had a great weekend at a trial in Hungary!!!
This weekend there was a big international herding event (according FCI Traditional Style Rules) at Vasad (Hungary) Many competitors came, not only Bearded Collies, but also Beauceron, Pumi, Collies and one Welsh Corgi.
On Saturday - class 1 & 2, on Sunday class 3 with CACIT awaarding (qualifing for the title "Herding Champion"
For the first time April showed her herding ability in class 2, she got the mark "good" and reached the 8th place!
Both, Bella und Jula hat an great run on Sonday in class 3, both got the mark "excellent",
Bella reached the 3rd place,
Jula the 1st, was also able to go for her next CACIT and earned the title "Best British Herdingdog of the Weekend"
We are very proud of our great working Beardies, who showed their ability not only during training, but also in competition at a place where we have never been before!!!
Our thanks goes also to Barbara Kiss for creating this interesting run, to Klará who was willing to do all the formal stuff, to the owner and of course to the mainactors, the sheep!
October, 2014
April won the Halloween-Obedience-Competition!!!
What a lovely end of the competition year!!! At the Halloween tournament, April won again!
October, 2014
Sly - our sporting ace!!!
Also our little Sly is great at everything she is doing:
herding - agility - obedience - our black whirlwind is really a great working dog!!!
BTW Congrats to the BH examination!!! The two of you are a great team and we are so proud of you!!!
October, 2014
Our Shepherd Calls & friends fall tour:
October, 2014
Hurra - April got the title!!!
It was a long and an exciting competition year!!! 41 competitors took part at this competition - and April did it!!!
She won the Obedience-Cup 2014, class 1, not at least because of her constant work:
1st: Trumau - judge: W. Geist
1st: Heustadelwasser - judge: Pfeffer
13th: Münchendorf - judge: Scheirer (= eliminate, because of the worst result).
1st: Saalfelden - judge: J. Kurzbauer
-- Jennersdorf - no start, because of illness
-- Salzburg - no start, because of the long way to travel
3rd: Haartkirchen - judge: B. Strellner
In sum April reached 380 points - no other competitor ever was able to get this high score!!!
We are soooo proud of our little Sweety!!!
...and that´s the clip of the last competition in which April earned the 3rd place:
September, 2014
here we go -
the video clip of April, winner of the Obedience Competition 2014, class 1.
September, 2014
Question: How long lasts a good look after a brush?
Answer: Till to the next puddle!!!
Our Test-Dogs: Barney & Barbarix!!!
September, 2014
...another great runner-team: Véronique & Ice Cream!!!
We are so proud to tell you, that at the 7 km run Véronique & Ice did so well!!!
7th at the Women categorie and 1st in their age categorie!!!
You did so great!!! Congratulation to both of you!!!
September, 2014
Bellas Mother CILLA - 13 years old -
2nd at the Swedish Herding Championship for Beardies!!!
We are so proud and happy, that Bella's Mom Cilla is not even fit enough to take part, but also to get the 2nd place ath the Swedish Herding Championship for Beardies!!!
We wish you all the best - we are really proud of you!!!
...but we are also proud of another great team - Michi & Barney!!!
At the "Festivals of the Animals" (in Vienna) they registered at the 6 km Run - and did great!!! Compliments also for Barney (btw. he is the grandson of Cilla) - because over the whole distance the did not pull on the leash, but run the same speed as Michi did!!!
Wow - you are such a great team!!! !!!
7th of Sept. 2014
April winns the ÖCBH competition 2014 in Obedience (Austrian Club for British Herding Dogs) with a great work and the mark "excellent".
Judge: Johann Kurzbauer (AT).
July, 2014
Shepherd Calls Away April - made it again!!!
This is a great Obedience-Season for April!
Though every time more than 20 dogs compete in level 1, April won 3 times out of 4 the competition!!!
June, 2014
Shepherd Calls Family Meeting 2014!!!
We had a lot of fun and the dogs could play and run also a lot!!! Thanks for Kurt who organized those day, and alos thanks to the owner of the hut Hengstberg for the extremely kindly welcome to our dogs and the great meal!!!
June, 2014
Just Married - back from the Honeymoon!!!
Unfortunately we arrived a little late and Aprils best mating time was nearly done! Only once she allowed Merlin to get in touch with her! So we will wait and see, if their will be some pups!
June, 2014
Soon Married!!!
Merlin & April are smiling!!! Seems as they know, that they will soon be on their honeymoon!!!
June, 2014
That´s the way life should be!!!
May, 2014
Enjoy the summer!!!
May, 2014
Such a great weekend for Bella & April!!!
April started at the Obedience Competition and reached 259,5 points, mark "excellent" and again the 1st place erreichen, out of 19 competitors. So she has a big advance in the Cup 2014!!!
Bella started for the first time in the highest trial level - TS-3, she became also the mark "excellent" 142 out of 150 points, and was 2nd. Only
Jula, who reached 148 points could beat her run!
März, 2013
Again a big success for April at the Obedience Competiton!!!
April showed a great performance, got the mark "excellent" and could reach the 1st place out of 23 competitors
sie got 267 out of 280 points (Class 1)
März, 2013
Two great sucesses of our offsprings Gibbs & April!!!
April got the 2nd place at the Wintercup in Obedience 2014, class 1!!!
Gibbs got the mark "excellent 1" and the title "Best Young Dog" at the dogshow in Graz!!!
Happy Birtday to all our puppies of the "Brilliant"-litter!!!
Hope you get some fine tasting extra treats and a big hug!
Bella - and the rest of your "Shepherd-Calls" family
January 2014
April - Obedience: same points as the 3rd dog!
a great work - unfortunately cero points at one task - so we missed a place under the first!!!
We received a herding clip of Merlin - the father of our futur litter "C"
Another Obedience-Success for April!!!
At the first Wintercup 2014 in Obedience:
April startet in class OB-1. She had a great run got the mark "exzellent" 226,5 points and reached the 4th place!
April has the same points as place 3, but lost some earlier than the other dog did!
Judge: Johann Kurzbauer, Austria.