Working Bearded Collies Europe
we support it!!!
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Dec. 2012
"WE" are PREGNANT!!!
Right back from the vet with some awful good news! Bella is pregnant! Puppies should arrive around 19th of February!
Love under the Christmas tree - Xano & Bella have just married!
Yesterday XANO & BELLA met for a Rendezvous! They were extremely fond of each other. Now we have to wait a little longer to figure out if we will have puppies soon.
Dec. 2012
We wish all our friends
and Beardie lovers
a very merry Christmas
and a happy New-Year
The Sheperd-Calls pack
Nov. 2012
Obedience³ - x 3!
three members of our "Shepherd Calls" family, managed to pass obedience levels:
- Paco
- Aislinn
- Bella
BGH-1 with great sucess and he won the club competition!!!
after only 3 months of training she passed the obedience examination "beginner class" with mark "very good"!
...and Mom BELLA -
also after 3 months of training the obedience class "GH-1" 176 Punkten, mark "good"
Congratulation to all of you - we are very proud and hope you will continue this way!!!
Archivphoto of Shepherd Calls Away PACO, summer 2012.
While we are still waiting...
for Bella´s next heat, we wanna reduce the waiting time with a short videoclip of Bella´s daugther April:
--> CLICK <--
Nov. 2012
April´s 1st Obedience competition!!!
It was a big success!!!
246,5 points and the mark "excellent", class GH-Beginners.
Judge: Gerlinde Österreicher, AT.
mother & daugther.
Unfortuately we were so exited, that we forget to take some pictures...
So we will show you some from our last agility training. Thanks to Nicole who made those nice shots!
APRIL faster? ok!!!
BELLA I wanna fly so high!!!
BELLA: run to have fun was that ok???
Nov. 2012
Full concentration - our Bella loves to work.
Thanks to Nicole for those great photo!
Sept. & Oct. 2012
Internat. Dog Show Tulln & Breeding Approval.
At the show we were not as sucessfull as we are at sportive dog competitions. Nevertheless
April and
judgestatement: follows.
went to this show.
Fozzy and April got the mark "very goodt", Xano "good" (after a long discussion!!!!) and we got the clever tipp to show this dog in a working class! Thanks for that, we would have done it, because nearly all of our dogs, also Xano has the herding examination HWT (Herding Working Test), which you need for entering the working class - IF the dog is a workingdog, but unfortunately the Beardie IS NOT!
Bella got her special breeding approvement till Oct. 2014!.
3rd success of April in one month!
April (aged 14 months) was able to reach 2nd place at a herding Trial Traditional Style-1 in Czech Rep., Martinkovice. 8 dogs were competing against each other in this class. April got the mark "excellent" and the permission to start in Trial class 2!
judge: Phillipe Heinz, Frankreich.
Sept. 2012
April passed her first Obedience examination!
Our little Sweety has again done some great work! Aged only 14 1/2 months she did her first obedience examination "Beginners" mark "excellent". Now she is allowed to compete in the next higher Obedience level (GH-1)!
Sept. 2012
AISLINN did a good job!
Well done! Aislinn, from our 1st litter, showed at her BH examination a lovely work! Congrtulation to you and we hope you continue this great work!
July 2012
April was successful at the international dog-show in Oberwart!
We showed April & Bella at the international dog show in Oberwart (Austria). Both girls got the mark "excellent" - our little April reached even "V-1" and the title "best young dog"
Judgereport April:
15.07.2012 - at the IHA in Oberwart
judge: Fr. S. Naprawnik
3 dogs in the ring.
V-1 – "Best Young Dog"
13 month old, little bit small, but correct and feminin black&white bitch. Correct head, dark eye, correct dentition/set of teeth, good upper line, good chest, correct angulation, typical coat, beautiful movement, good character.
Judgereport Bella:
15.07.2012 - at the IHA in Oberwart
judge: Fr. S. Naprawnik
2 dogs in the ring.
V-2 - Res. CACA.
4 year old, harmonically, feminine blue-white bitch, correct head, eyes suits the coat colour, correct dentition/set of teeth, good upper line, enough chest, correct angulation, typical coat, quick movement, very beautiful coat, good character, frontlegs a bit crossing, hind legs a bit tight.
Also Buddy did it - BH - examination!!!
We are very proud of our little big boy "Shepherd Calls Away Buddy" and his "parents" - please continue those good workt!
Photos of the training. "What are we going to do next? Sit and wait? Well that´s no problem!"
2012-07-07 + 08: VIDEO CLIPS are ONLINE!!!
Great sucess for our Beardies - especially for little April!!!
lovely landscape in Martinkovice.
Though it was very hot April showed two wunderful runs: Saturday she did the HWT (Herding working test) so she was allowed to start on Sunday at TS-1 - her first trial - and she really did pretty well - nice distance to the sheep and took the commands easily. It was a very smooth run, though she did not get a high score, for me it was really ok - but look by your self:
TS-2 -Fuchur und Bella.
Bella had very fast sheep. Though she did her best to keep her with me (or bring them back every now and then) it was of course not a calm run, she qualified, but was not as successfull as Fuchur, who got the 2nd place with this run;:
Fuchur: auch er konnte grlßtenteils seine Trainingserfolge umsetzen
Class TS-3 war Jula - last place! Think it was not to bad, but she did a bad mistake before re-penning the sheep, and that´s to bad for class 3 and she lost to much points!
2012-06-30: WELL DONE!!! A big success for our Beardies!!!
Though we had 36° C, our dogs showed some good work! Little April did the examination "BH" (obedience low class & mentaltest for everyday life) superior!
And her Mom Bella, showed also some awful work: Obedience examination (Beginner), mark "excellent".
Both girls are have qulified to train for the next higher level, April for Obedience-Beginner-Class and Bella Obedience class GH-1!
short after the reward: jump and play in the little ditch behind the dog-school!!!
June 2012:
Congratulation!!! FOZZY has shown an excellent work at his 1st Obedience examinaion (BH)!
He ist the first dog of our litter "A", who has done the test, aged only 1 year and 3 days old!!! Thogh many others will follow soon!
So Petra & Fozzy, we are so proud of you!!! And hope you keep up those good work!
Fozzy: concentrated heelwork, and also no problem in with the "down"-position! the same day, some "few" km away:
Some photos of the training in Czech Republic at the castle ground Zamekkounice:
Bella & Jula training infront of the castle - one of the most lovliest herding places we have ever been! Some more photos: "click"
2012-06-14: HD-free!!!
Today, on her 1st birthday Aislinn was neutered & hip-x-rayed. The result: HD-A (=free).
...and this photo we received from our little Abigail, who lives in Sweden, with the Boomtown gang:
June 2012
A great sportive success for Bella!!!
Unfortunately the last 2 year we had not enough time and stopped Agility completely, but that Bella did not forget a bit, showed her result on her first run in Böheimkirchen: class A-1, out of
24 competitors: she got 2nd - mark "excellent"
judge: Margot Fischer, Austria.
We are very proud of our girl! She is not only a reliable herding dog, but also a good Agility dog! "click"
Bella: nur fliegen ist schöner!!!
Our litter "A" celebrates their 1st Birthday!!!
A bit to early, was our Birthday-party for our A-pups. 5 siblings were able to come: Mo - Aislinn - Paco - Fozzy & April.
And of course also the grown up Beardie-Friends joined in. So it was a very loud and happy meeting for all the dogs and our humans! More photos you can find: "click"
Aislinn´s parent shard this foto link with us: "click"
May 2012:
Great Success for our Beardies at the Herding Competition "Traditional Style":
At the first Austrian herding trial 2012 our dogs had a very lucky day:
16 dogs competed. Judge: Istvanne Patkó (Hungary).
16 dogs took part at this trial. We saw Briards, Australian Shepherd, Pumi-Mix and of course Bearded Collies. One Beardie even came from France for the event!
We competed with Jula, Bella & Xano - and all of them got the mark "excellent".
Trial Class 1 - 10 competitors, first start for XANO - 4th
Trial class 2: 3 competitors, BELLA - 1st
Trial class 3: 3 competitors, JULA - 2nd
image archive
Beardies & more in the red poppy field:
Beardie-friendship has no borders - at the moment our freinds from France are with us: Jojo & Betty and their "parents" Diana & Patrick! To remember those lovely days we have taken some pictures in the poppy field:
April: Jula:
Bella: Jula & Betty:
5 friends - yes, that we are:
a few photos of our Beardies: April, Fozzy & Jula
April - our flower girl:
Fozzy & Bumpfi - yippee - we are on holidays!
Jula - shares always her place with the barn cats.
April 2012:
Happy Birthday... all our pups of the litter "A" - in less than 2 months you will celebrate your 1st Birthday!!!
We want to invite all of you, and of course also all our other Beardie-Friends - for more information please contact the e-mail address you will find in the link below:
AISLINN - also girls can play Soccer!
...and look elegant and cool infront of the camera, too!!!
MAJA and her best girl-friend
...playing a lot with Lola is great - but even better is to have have a friend you can cuddle up to!
PETRA and FOZZY (=Shepherd Calls Away Marlon) at the trainings ground
The have already fixed the date for their first examination (BH). And because they are doing so well, in the meantime they train for the next higher level!
Heelwork and more
Fozzy (10 months old) likes every task! Together with Petra they are really a great team and we are looking forward to report more soon!
March 2012:
16th of Feb. 2012
we had an awful good time at the training in Hungary - lovely open countryside and the dogs did really a good job - the first 3 photos over there:
Xano, normally you would say, he could not go a single step slow, but as soon as it comes to work he walks concentrated and slowly and takes every command easy:
...and here a photo of Mom and daughter:
Bella keeps her distance and moves the sheep gently:
...and also our little black April is very keen on sheep, but works calm and concentrated, too:
09. March 2012
whom??? --> you can find more information about our lucky couple here!!!
February 2012:
08. February 2012
because the temperatur in Hungary was approx. minus 20 degrees Celsius, we decided to stay at home. But that does not mean, that we and our dogs were not busy!
Though it was bitterly cold, some Beardie owners came for the training.
it does not matter what - he likes everything: XANO
On Saturday we practiced heel work as well as we worked the sheep, on Sunday we also went out with the flock. Unfortunately we haven't photos of all dogs, but we want to share a few with you!
We also made a short video clip - this time with our puppy April. Though she is only 7 months old, she is very calm and concentrated for her age!
APRIL: works a small and a bigger flock.
Also heel-work can be fun!!!
Our Beardies proved that once more:
two sisters from our litter "A": AISLINN & APRIL - we give it soon a start...
XANO - always eager and full of spirit an life!
...also BUDDY and Birgit are a great team!
Jannuary 2012:
31st of Jannuary 2012
this is one of our favorite trainings places, and if you look at the lovely country side, I think you will understand why...
Also this weekend we have the possibility to drive to this place, but if we can also take some picture we don´t know, because this time it should be very, very cold...
29th of Jannuary 2012
Yesterday we practiced a little bit of obedience with Bella, Jula & April. We also tried for the first time to work Bella and Jula next to each other! Look at the video clips under the photo to find out, if the girls had as much fun as we had!
2012: BELLA & JULA - together everything is more fun!!!
2012: JULA - first obedience training for a very long time...
2012: APRIL (7 months old) starts with a bit of obedience
2012: BELLA - first obedience training this year
APRIL - how she developes in body and sheep herding
our little April (7 months old) is a very lovely and promising Beardie girl:
April shows a very nice ability to handle the flock - of course often she is to fast, but she is also able to movethe sheep very slow, concentrated and gentle:
APRIL: I don´t care about nothing - not even llamas can disturb me!!!
April and her mother Bella:
...and our three lovely girls together: Bella, April & Jula:
Let´s climb up the highest hill!